Interview with Janet Ossebaard (Crop Circle), by Nikos Apostolopoulos

Nikos Apostolopoulos: Miss Janet Ossebaard we would like to thank you for the interview, which so willingly accepted to give us. How and when did you first both become involved in Crop Circle research?

Janet Ossebaard: In became involved in the crop circle phenomenon back in 1994, when I visited a crop circle in the Netherlands. I was very sceptic, having a scientific background I believed all crop circles were man-made. But something inside me become very still, very quiet. I felt awe and wonder... And so, in 1995 I went to England, the cradle of the phenomenon. I wanted to find out once and for all if these patterns were indeed man-made... I was soon to realize they were not!

N.A.: What are the specific criteria for determining the authenticity of a crop circle formation?

J.O.:There are 3 ways to find out whether a crop circle is genuine or not. Firstly, find biophysical anomalies: bent stems, bent nodes, blown (exploded) nodes, things like that. If you find them, you know for a fact that the formation is genuine (not man-made). Secondly, look at the lay of the crop. If the lay has a beautiful flow, swirls, or even interweaving of the plants, it's genuine. There is a third way to determine it: a genuine formation seems to be alive. It seems to breathe, to have soul. It makes you smile, you feel the energy. A man-made formation is dead, it has no soul. Big difference!

N.A.: Do you have a definite opinion as to the source of the crop circle phenomenon?

J.O.: I believe the crop circles are made by a variety of sources. Some are made by aliens, from instance from the Pleiades, Niburu, Ummo, Arcturus and other solar and planetary systems. Others are made by light beings, a very high vibration of consciousness. These are often seen as balls of light or even beings of light. Then there is the aspect of human consciousness, the collective, creating these patterns from a (sub)conscious level. And finally the Earth is also involved, the formations appear on crossings of ley lines, and it seems like the earth and the cosmos collaborate in a creation process, just like lightning originates both in the sky and the earth. It's where heaven meets earth, so to speak...

N.A.: Could you talk a bit about what you believe the crop circles mean?

J.O.: The meaning of the crop circles is two-fold, I believe. Firstly, there is a conscious component, meaning we recognize certain formations such as pyramids, free energy devices, flowers, animals, star systems, etc. We then talk about it, read about it, and study topics that we find as crop circles in our fields. For instance, when they keep making Maya-related formations, or ancient Egyptian-related formations, we understand they are trying to tell us something about those civilizations and so we start to read more about them, until we understand what they are trying to tell us. That is knowledge on a conscious level. The second level is on the subconscious level, through the working of geometry. Geometry works around the mind, the brain, it ignores that level. It goes straight to the heart, even the soul level. That is where the work is done: the geometric shapes of the formations work with us on that deep level and they incite us to grow emotionally and spiritually. That's what one experiences in the crop circles: emotional and spiritual growth. I think that is a very welcome development, when you turn on the news you know exactly what I mean!

N.A.: Do you think they're actually caused by UFO

J.O.: Like explained in answer 3, I believe that a part of all crop formations are made by ETs. I have just finished my 4th book about the crop circles and it deals with that exact topic: the link between crop circles and UFOs & ETs.

N.A.: Do you see any connection between crop circles and other circular designs of southern England, such as Stonehenge and Silbury Hill? Why is southern England, home of the largest collection of man-made monoliths in the world, also the home of the crop circle phenomenon?

J.O.: Southern England is the place of the biggest and strongest leyline (energy line) across the world: the Michael and Mary leyline. The crop circles appear on or around them. It is also the site of ancient temples like the stone circle of Avebury, the ancient Avalon (modern Glastonbury), the ancient pyramid Silbury Hill, the Long Barrow of West Kennett, etc. Our ancestors knew that this was a very powerful place on earth and made many sites to worship the Gods and Goddesses. Later on, we built churches and cathedrals on these sites. And today, the crop circles appear on them and near them.

N.A.: Has there been any serious study and analysis of crop circles by a mathematician?

J.O.: There have been various mathematicians who thoroughly studied the crop circles, such as Bert Janssen from the Netherlands, Alan Brown from England and Michael Glickman from England. I was told that some universities in England (Oxford, Cambridge) use crop circle geometry to explain certain mathematical principles such as "squaring the circle".

N.A.: Is there any evidence to suggest that the military are taking an interest in the crop circles?

J.O.:There is a lot of military interest in the crop circle phenomenon. I have personally witnessed much military involvement, especially in Southern England. Black (unregistered) helicopters often fly very low over the formations, military personnel have been filming crop circle researchers in the formations, and taking photographs of the cars registration plates of researchers. They seem to be filming and registering everything they can. I have personally witnessed a black helicopter back in 2007 as it was chasing a large red ball of light. I was there with two other eye-witnesses.

N.A.:What do you think about that wonderful formation that represents a reply to the famous encoded message that the Arecibo radio telescope sent to outer space in 1974, towards the "Hercules great globular cluster", Cluster M13?

J.O.: The Answer (as we call the formation that appeared in 2001 at Chilbolton in Hampshire) was a literal reply to the message that NASA sent into space back in 1974. The formation was clearly not man-made, the narrow lines were smaller than a human foot, the lay of the crop was sublime, the energy was fantastic. It was a real language in the crop field, encoded in binary code, which could easily be decoded. It read: "We use the decimal system (just like humans), we have the same chemical building blocks for life on our planets as you do, but one extra: silicon. We have different DNA than you, for instance we have an extra DNA-strand. We live on the 3rd, 4th and 5th planet from our sun (in a different solar system), we are smaller than you (about 1 meter tall), we have large heads with large eyes, there's 5 times as many of us than humans, and we communicate with you by means of the crop circles."

This was a literal message, binary encoded. One cannot argue about the meaning of it. It is not open to debate, as it was a language. Highly interesting and quite a development within the crop circle phenomenon! Many people were confronted with their own fear of the unknown...

N.A.: Have you ever stood inside a crop circle? What were the feelings;

J.O.: I have stood inside hundreds of crop formations in various countries, such as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and England. After all, I have been a crop circle researcher for 22 years now, so I have experienced a lot of things, some of which I was unable to explain. I have seen balls of light and beings from other dimensions. The crop circles have made me change my mind about everything in life, really. My whole world view changed dramatically over the years, as I experienced more and more anomalous events, such as time warps and spacial anomalies. With my university background, I thought I understood the world we live in. But it turned out I was wrong... The way I look at life and reality now is completely different than 22 years ago. It has been an incredible journey and adventure, and I hope to enjoy this magical ride for yet another 22 years!