Interview with Gary King (Crop circle)

Gary began researching the crop circle phenomena in 1997. He first came to the publics attention after having been one of the three witnesses present at the East Field formation on the 7th July 2007. Since then he has lectured both nationally and internationally, and featured in numerous TV productions regarding the phenomena. Working as a much sought after tour guide, Gary carries a wealth of experience and knowledge that is both insightful and intellectually stimulating.

Nikos Apostolopoulos: What are the specific criteria for determining the authenticity of a crop circle formation?

Gary King: For me it is timeframe and conditions. Most crop circles appear in around 5 hours or 300 minutes of darkness. If the formation is of a significant size and complexity, with the laid crop showing no signs of damage that you would associate with crushing from boards, then this formation would go into the mysterious category. For example, the formation that appeared in front of 2 others and myself during the night of the 7th July 2007 was 3.15 meters long and 160 meters wide. It contained over 150 individual circles of varying size, and as the whole night was recorded on camera we know that there were no light sources in the field from torches etc. 150 circles in 300 minutes means that each circle would have to be created in the dark every 2 minutes on average

N.A.: Do you have a definite opinion as to the source of the crop circle phenomenon?

G.K.: As there is no definitive evidence as to what creates these formations, anything I say would only be an opinion. On that basis, it is my own view that we are possibly dealing with a combination of different entities that are trying to help humanity during these trying times. Some of them are extraterrestrial and other terrestrial entities that have existed here from the beginning of this planets evolution.

N.A.: Could you talk a bit about what you believe the crop circles mean?

G.K.: We can broadly categorize the formations into those that are symbols taken from philosophical occult traditions, such as the Kabala or the I ching. There are those that are geometric and refer to the ancient Greek philosophical traditions of Plato and Pythagoras etc. Then there are those that are completely abstract that as yet defy any translation.

N.A.: Do you think they're actually caused by UFO?

G.K.: There have been many people who have witnessed orbs and UFO’s around crop circles, and the formations themselves have often depicted Alien faces, so it is reasonable to assume that UFO’s are involved, but as yet there is no definitive evidence.

N.A.: Do you see any connection between crop circles and other circular designs of southern England, such as Stonehenge and Silbury Hill? Why is southern England, home of the largest collection of man-made monoliths in the world, also the home of the crop circle phenomenon?

G.K.: Yes, first of all the Wiltshire area is where farming began on the British Isles, and as this has been so crucial in the growth of the Empire and it’s subsequent impact on the world with the spread of global capitalism. I believe that the crops are a contextual message that is asking us to consider our history. Furthermore, the stone circles and ancient monuments such as Stonehenge and Silbury Hill etc, all contain the ratios and proportions found in crop circles, such as Pi or the Golden section. The prolific nature of these monuments, together with the mystery of how they were constructed, seems to also be reminding us of our human ancestral history. It’s as if they are trying to remind us of a time when we lived in harmony together and worked cooperatively to create these amazing sites.

N.A.: Has there been any serious study and analysis of crop circles by a mathematician?

G.K.: Yes, by a number of people. I would refer you to the work of Dr Nick Kollerstrom, a math historian who published a book called Crop Circles – The Hidden Form, which details his analysis of the formations. There have also been major contributions from Michael Glickman, John Michel, Bert Jansen, and several others regarding the hidden geometry often found within formations.

N.A.: Is there any evidence to suggest that the military are taking an interest in the crop circles?

G.K.: Well officially they of course deny it. But as this area contains the largest military training ground in Europe, together with a number of military bases and airports etc, it is reasonable to assume that they must have an interest in anything that could potentially be invading their airspace. I would say though that the areas where crop circles appear are used as a training ground for helicopter pilots, so when people see military aircraft around crop circles it is most likely that the pilot just happens to be training in the area and comes in for a closer look.

N.A.: What do you think about that wonderful formation that represents a reply to the famous encoded message that the Arecibo radio telescope sent to outer space in 1974, towards the "Hercules great globular cluster", Cluster M13?

G.K.: Well this is one of those formations, which indicates that aliens are somehow involved. The construction of this formation, together with the face that accompanied it was in my view something that human artists would not be able to replicate. This being the case, I feel that we were receiving a reply to the original message sent out at Arecibo in 1974. I was very surprised to hear that Carl Sagan dismissed as a hoax without a detailed investigation, and even more surprised that he said Aliens wouldn’t reply to his message in this way!

N.A.: Have you ever stood inside a crop circle? What were the feelings?

G.K.: During the past 20 years I have visited in excess of 800 Crop Circles. Feelings inside them can vary dramatically, some can cause headaches, others can induce a profound sense of happiness and contentment, and others seemingly do nothing noticeable at all. I have also witnessed many people having emotional reactions when first entering, such as crying or feelings of elation.

N.A.: We would like to thank you for your time, for the information you have given us and wishing you all the best in everything that you will do in future.