Interview with Marsall Klarfeld, (2015)

Nikos Apostolopoulos: Mr Klarfeld we would like to thank you for the interview, which so willingly accepted to give us. People in Greece do not know much about your activities and investigations in ancient history. We would like you to give us an idea in order  to know you better, and tell us what sparked your interest in the subject of ancient aliens.

Marsall Klarfeld: My interest in the subject of ancient aliens began in 1947, following the Roswell incident.  I was a 1st year student at CALTECH in September 1947 and every student discussion concerned UFOs. I was blessed with outstanding teachers at CALTECH;  Richard Feynman in physics and Linus Pauling in chemistry.  In a one on one conversation with Feynman, I asked him if he believed in UFOs? He answered, “Klarfeld, I believe in the Law of Probability. Of the billions of stars in our galaxy and the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the Universe, the Law of Probability tells me that there are 10,000 solar systems exactly like ours. Our solar system is one of the most recent and if any of the others survived their space age, they could have visited us.”

N.A. Zecharia Sitchin in his book "Genesis Revisited" gave a question and I would like your personal point of view. As he had written: "Is it possible that mankind overcame the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages, has been  arrived in the Renaissance, experienced the Industrial Revolution, entered in the age of high technology, of Genetic Engineering and space travel, only just to catch up with ancient knowledge? "

M.K. Zecharia and I had a ten year relationship. He was my 3rd great teacher. We discussed the facts surrounding the advancement of Homo sapiens into civilization. He suggested that humans would never have achieved civilization without technical transfer from an advanced civilization. He pointed to the Sumerians as the first example of humans being given the 100 firsts needed for higher civilization.  The Sumerians wrote that “everything we have was given to us by the ANUNNAKI.”  i.e.. humans do not naturally evolve into advanced knowledge, many stone age humans still survive today.  The cycles of Dark Ages, Middle Ages etc. are examples of humans that were left alone and regressed. I believe that periods of accelerated knowledge were the sign of transfer of technology by the ANUNNAKI.  I suspect that the Nazi regime was given advanced weaponry.


N.A. If we read books about the origins of religions, we meet up always with the same story, in different names and heroes. Someone step down from heaven, our ancestors are unable to explain it, and believe that they are their gods. Could  our ancestors have been affected by aliens and not by gods? And if it is true where do we find evidence?

M.K. At CALTECH I asked my chemistry professor Linus Pauling if he believed in God. He answered, “Klarfeld, our discipline is to explain everything that went on in the Universe back to the beginning, The Big Bang. If you were to ask me what there was a millisecond before, we do not know.  If you wish to believe in a God, please do, as we do not know the answer.” I believe that our survival as a species has been the result of interference by the ANUNNAKI (the flood story in “The Epic of GILGAMESH”) is an example. I believe that we are a genetically engineered species (made in the image of the ANUNNAKI) and that their leader Enki, has a vested interest in our survival.

N.A.  According to the  decryption of Sumerian Tablets, the gods who created the man were the Anunnaki, alien  astronauts from planet Nibiru. By using their planet's  high technology, they  promoted the evolution of primate  mammals, especially humans and gave intelligence to the most advanced primates who existed at the time on earth, 400,000 years ao according to Sitchin, the Homo Sapiens. So if Anunnaki colonized the planet,  what other  traces of their presence exist and what is your opinion on the return of Nibiru; What consequences will this return have of the planet?

M.K. In my 4 books listed at www.adamthemissinglink.com I have written the “History of the ANUNNAKI”. I illustrate with large color pictures the physical evidence that, the advanced space age civilization (calling themselves the ANUNNAKI), created on earth thousands of stone structures that were built with technical expertise beyond the abilities of the local populations.  These magnificent structures (Giza Pyramids, Angor Wat, Jupiter Temple at Baalbek, the Parthenon, the Pantheon, the Colosseum, Pont du Gard bridge etc.) are only just a small part of the physical evidence I portrayed in “Mysteries of Alien Technology”.  Sitichen and I agreed that Nibiru will not return until 1500-1600 years in the future. The ANUNNAKI could return at any time from the mothership.

N.A. From the Sumerian texts we  get information about ancient super weapons, like flying maschines and advanced weapons. Corresponding information also found in greek mythology, but also in other ancient cultures. What were those super weapons? Ancient UFOs;

M.K. The super weapons described appear to be atomic guided missiles probably launched from UFOs.

N.A. Why do you think that today's scholars continue to misinterpret the ancient papers?

M.K. I believe that governments are covering up evidence of our ancient past.

N.A. While the majority of the scientific community may disagree with the investigations (eg Z. Sitchin), alongside they still make open  discoveries which confirm these investigations. Nevertheless, many religious leaders seem to be still detained lips firmly on the recognition of these investigations. Are you dissapointed  by the fact that religion does not seem to evolve the way our science does?

M.K. I believe that religion was imposed on humanity as a control mechanism.

N.A. I would like to make a reference in my country, Greece, the  country of myths and legends. Many people believe that gods of our mythology were space travelers who created genetically modified beings, such as Cyclops and Centaurs, or robots as Talos in Crete, while others were travelling even with flying machines. We also meet gods as Proteas, Nereus, Triton, and the fearsome god Tyfon, all of them with a fish tails and human bodies, reminding strongly the gods of Sumerians. What is your opinion on this?

M.K. If we trace the ‘gods’ from the Sumerian pantheon, we see that the commander was Enlil and his half brother was the water god Enki. For over 6000 yrs. these same deities carried the same powers but with different names.  In Greece it was Zeus and Poseidon…..Roman it was Jupiter and Neptune.

N.A. In your book "Mysteries of Alien Technology" you unravel the myth of "Jason and the Golden Fleece". Would you like to share with us this  particular theory?

M.K. My theory of ANUNNAKI “washboard gold mining”, states that gold filled placer water was pumped over terraced structures such as Machu Picchu and Chichen Itza, to separate gold.  (See http://youtu.be/IslwpIQ_d1s).  The collection material was sheep pelts as in “Jason and the Golden Fleece”. I believe that the thousands of stone circles in Southern Africa, Golan Heights, and Peru, were “sheepfolds” used to raise the millions of sheep required to collect the placer gold.

- We would like to thank you for your time, for the information you have given us and wishing you all the best in everything that you will do in future.