Interview with Jason Martell (2016)

Nikos Apostolopoulos: Mr. Martell, Ι would like to thank you very much for the interview, which willingly, accepted to grant us. All this story about the ancient aliens and the quest of truth is an incredible journey. You are even specialize in technologies of ancient civilizations. How did it all started?

Jason Martell: In 1996, I was attending college in San Diego, California. One day, someone tangentially mentioned to me that there were a "face" and "pyramids" on the surface of Mars. And that NASA had taken photographs of these objects. Of course, I was very skeptical of this information and did not think much of it. It is common knowledge that the atmosphere of Mars is inhospitable to multicellular life forms—the only kind of life form that would be capable of constructing something artificial like this supposed “face" and these “pyramids." Surely, if NASA had taken pictures of artificial structures on the surface of another planet, this would be the biggest discovery of our lifetime. Yet this was the first time I had heard of Cydonia, the region of Mars where the Face and Pyramids are located, and the NASA photographs had been taken in 1976—twenty years earlier. Since I had never seen this topic covered on MSNBC or CNN, I assumed it must be ludicrous. When I looked at the photos of the Face and Pyramids on Mars, they seemed remarkably similar to something I had seen here on Earth—the Sphinx and the Pyramids in Egypt. I had just started to learn how to use the internet in 1996, so I began to curiously look into what NASA and other sub-contracted agencies of NASA were currently studying. It turned out that the cameras attached to the orbiters we send to Mars are controlled by a company also located in San Diego, California—Malin Space Science Systems. I contacted Dr. Malin, the scientist in charge of these operations, to ask him about the Face and Pyramids on Mars and he was kind enough to respond to me directly. He stated, "There is no evidence that the face and pyramids are artificial structures. We simply attribute them to sand and natural weather erosion." I found this answer really intriguing. Looking at the Cydonia region of Mars myself, it seemed incredibly clear that the Face, Pyramids, and even other surrounding objects must have been  formed in some "artificial" way. The idea that these structures had come about merely through natural movements of wind and sand seemed akin to supposing that the presidential faces carved into Mount Rushmore were created by chance. Or—to suggest an even more relevant parallel—that the Great Sphinx of Giza was not the product of deliberate labor, but had simply emerged due to erosion. I began to look for answers outside of NASA. I wanted to see who else was aware of these photographs of the Cydonia region and if any proper science had been done to explore whether these could possibly be artificial structures. I was able to find 5 to 10 peer level review scientists with PhD’s in image analysis of satellite telemetry who were also studying these images. These were people who did not work for NASA, but had the same level of education and experience as NASA scientists. One of these people is Dr. Mark Carlotto, an expert in satellite remote sensing and digital image processing. He had used mathematical algorithms to detect Russian military troops and artillery from satellite telemetry over Russia. Running these algorithms on Russian satellite telemetry showed that objects hidden by tarps or bushes still had a high probability of being artificial. Dr. Carlotto used these same mathematical algorithms on the satellite telemetry from the surface of Mars and found the Face and Pyramids to have over a 98% probability of being artificial.

 N.A.: Since the beginning of civilization, mankind considered as a creation of the gods and other visitors from the stars. If we accept that aliens really helped in the shape of our history, could then people be only just one link in the chain of alien evolution?

J.M.: In the British museum alone, there are thousands of Sumerian tablets and only about one per cent of them have been translated up to this point. The tablets that haven been translated show that Sumerian knowledge was vast in many areas which modern science now confirms. The area modern science has not yet been able to confirm is the stories they recorded about interaction with their living gods, the Anunnaki. The term Anunnaki simply means those who from heaven to Earth came. If you were to ask a Sumerian man, "How do you know all that you know?" he would respond "All we know, we were taught by the Anunnaki."  Remarkably, the depictions of the Anunnaki left by the Sumerians show us that we look very much like them. According to the Atrahasis tablets—a series of 7 tablets recording the Sumerian’s creation stories—the Anunnaki told the Sumerian priests “we made you in our image and our likeness.”  Now, this has obvious biblical echoes, clearly. We are all familiar with the Christian idea that God created all of humanity in his image. But I’d like you to consider an even more literal interpretation of this statement—and hold it in your mind as we move into the next section of the book. First, let’s focus a bit more on the Atrahasis tablets. According to these 7 tablets, the Anunnaki had come to Earth over 350,000 years ago and had a major influence on how our Earth as we know it came to be. The Anunnaki explained that they originally came to Earth seeking gold and other precious elements. On their own rise to a technological civilization, the Anunnaki had damaged their planet’s atmosphere to a dangerous degree. They discovered, however, that using fine particulates of gold, they could shoot this into the atmosphere to help patch the holes in the planet’s ozone. We know gold has several key properties in how we use it today. We line all the astronauts’ spacesuit visors with gold, as it is an excellent reflector of heat. The Anunnaki found large veins of gold deposited in southern Africa. They dispatched a team of 50 Anunnaki to the surface of Earth and began mining the gold out of the ground. They soon discovered the mining process was long and arduous. One of the leaders of the Anunnaki named Enkil suggested they create a worker race to mine the gold. He suggested using the primitive "ape man" that was evolving here on Earth as the slave race. But Enkil did not simply want to leave this ape man as he was. He wanted to place the Anunnaki’s genetic marker on him. To do this, he would use genetic manipulation to combine 20% of the primitive genes with 80% of the more advanced Anunnaki genes. Thus, he would create a new being that would be "in their image and after their likeness."

 N.A.: You obviously believe we have had direct contact in the past. Do you think this contact could be cyclical and therefore we will have direct contact in the future? And if so, when?

J.M.: To answer this question, we can look to the past—to the words of ancient historians as well as ancient myths. According to some Native American folklore, there are cities at the bottom of the sea that were built during the last Golden Age. Hesiod of ancient Greece tells us of a time long past when “peace and plenty” ruled the Earth. Just as we now break the seasons of the year into four—autumn, winter, spring and summer—it is also common to see the eras of the Great Year broken into four. Vedic scriptures describe four eons or yugas known as Kali, Dwapara, Treta and Satya, with the Satya yuga being a golden era. Ancient Mayans numbered a series of worlds and suns to identify each era. The language we are perhaps most familiar with would be the terminology used by the ancient Greeks, who describe The Iron Age, The Bronze Age, the Silver Age and of course the Golden Age. However the eras are labeled, they follow the same pattern. Essentially, it comes down to this: our consciousness as humans is at its lowest point whenever our solar system moves the farthest from our Sun’s companion star. Conversely, our consciousness is the most elevated when we are at our closest point to that same star. The last time we were at the lowest point was in 500 AD—makes sense, right? And the next time we will reach a Golden Age will be in 12,500 AD. Looking at the zodiac, we can locate these points where the autumnal equinox sun intersects with one of the 12 constellations. Typically, Aries is located at the 12 o’clock point of the zodiac, and when our autumnal equinox sun reaches this place, Earth is experiencing its optimal stellar environment. Many people at this point will achieve an elevated state of consciousness. However, when this autumnal equinox sun is located in Libra, we find the opposite is the case. At such times, a weak or deluded consciousness dominates. Right now, we find ourselves in an ascending age, moving from the Iron Age (also called the Age of Man) into the Bronze Age (or Age of the Hero). Clearly, we are a long way from the Ages of Silver and Bronze—also called the Age of the Demigods and the Age of the Gods, respectively. If we keep the big picture in mind, we can make a number of interesting correlations. At the present time we are engaged in a slow but steady period of awakening consciousness. We are emerging from a period in which our consciousness was perceived as purely physical, merely an aspect or inhabitant of the body. We are beginning to see that, in fact, we are made up of energy, not just purely tangible matter. We can see this movement in our consciousness evolution if we look to the discovery of electricity and the laws of gravity, as well as the development of observational instruments like microscopes and telescopes. In fact, much of this ascending shift can be traced to the Renaissance and we observe a steady progression through the following historical periods, particularly once we get to the discoveries of Albert Einstein and the development of quantum physics.

 N.A.: Recently you gathered worldwide attention by recreating the "Battery of Baghdad," one of the greatest mysteries of science. Could you explain us what is the "Baghdad Battery", and which are the results of your own study and research?

J.M.: Residing in the national museum of Iraq, the discovery of this 2,000 year old device suggests the modern day battery was not invented in 1800 by Count Alassandro Volt, but was in use two millennia earlier. My recreation was instrumental in proving the Baghdad Battery was capable of generating current.

N.A.: Apart from the 'battery of Baghdad' what else is your favorite piece of evidence that supports the theory of ancient extraterrestrial technology, and why?

J.M.: When observing various ancient cultures, we often see megalithic monuments, built in alignment with distant stars or constellations. These alignments reflect an awareness of points in time as well as space, along with a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy. One primary example of this is the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. Until about 15 years ago, we didn’t know that this trio of pyramids was built to correspond perfectly with the geometry of the three stars comprising the Orion Constellation. A more earthly example of ancient technology is the Dendera Light, found in the Hathor Temple in Dendera, which is located fifty miles north of Luxor. A Norwegian electrical engineer exploring the temple noticed that an object depicted in one of the bas reliefs resembled a light bulb. The image the explorers saw in the tomb had a sort of cable at one end and two filament-like arms extending up to a wider, bulb-like end. Perhaps the most controversial theory Jason has been researching is that the Ark of the Covenant may have been used to power the Great Pyramid.

N.A.: I would like to make a reference in my country, Greece, the country of myths and legends. The ancient Greek gods had helmets that made them invisible. They had breastplates that made them impervious to their enemies weapons. They also had tridents which were unleashed lightning, and winged sandals that gave them the power to fly. Could the above examples to be ancient alien technology?

J.M.: There is already a great deal of mythology and folklore across the cultures that speak of a time in the past when these things were commonplace. This time is said to have taken place around 3100 BC, according to Vedic scripture. If you look at the Judeo-Christian Bible, Genesis describes a time when humanity was at one with nature—before the Age of Babel when God confused the tongues. Evidence of a more permeable relationship between the individual consciousness and the core energies of the universe is found is all our human stories. Whether you dismiss them as mere fairytales or science fiction, you cannot ignore their presence everywhere. Perhaps it is not so much a matter of developing or cultivating our abilities, as it is a matter of remembering them.

N.A.: Why is the Ancient Astronaut theory so hard to believe?

J.M.: Overtime, it will become easier for people to accept these types of ideas as they are exposed to the evidence. Most people have been raised by a religion that slightly changed all the classic stories into legends of myth and folklore rather than actual fact.

N.A.: Why do you think that today's scholars continue to misinterpret the ancient papers?

J.M.: Most scholars today are still bound by the idea that we are alone in the universe because our space agencies have not told us the truth about what they have really been discovering in space. Therefore, they completely discount all the ancient evidence for the power of flight seen all over the world.

N.A.: Which is the most revealing sacred text about ancient aliens?

J.M.: If you look at a combination of all the most ancient texts, you see they all speak of a time around 3,800 B.C. that all cultures seemed to live amongst their living gods. If you see this evidence in the ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets and cylinder seals from the middle east. More evidence can be found in the Mahabharata and other scared texts from Asia.

N.A.: What’s your favorite place in the world that we should all visit?

J.M.: I personally think the sites in Peru and South America are very revealing evidence. Especially sites like Machu Picchu & Pumapunku.

N.A.: What do you think about the theory that ancient astronauts were not physical beings coming here on physical spaceships, but may in fact be visiting here from another dimension? 

J.M.: I believe there are many types of visitations that have taken place. In our higher ages when we as a civilization are more enlightened, I do think we interact with higher spiritual life forms that could be from other dimesons and other plains of existence. Many ancient cultures used an altered state of consciousness with meditation and mind altering substances to see and interact with beings on the “spirit plain”.

N.A.: Could, the proof of our contact with aliens thousands of years ago, help us to "unlock" the mystery behind the creation of man?

J.M.: Essentially, we are beginning to be aware of ourselves as energetic beings connected to the energy that makes up the universe. In many ways, the veils that lie between our consciousness and all the vastness of the universe are becoming thinner and thinner—being lifted. Many people even now assert that as this shift continues, we will move into a time period when telepathy and psychic abilities become common place—elements of an expanded human consciousness. There is already a great deal of mythology and folklore across the cultures that speak of a time in the past when these things were commonplace. This time is said to have taken place around 3100 BC, according to Vedic scripture. If you look at the Judeo-Christian Bible, Genesis describes a time when humanity was at one with nature—before the Age of Babel when God confused the tongues. Evidence of a more permeable relationship between the individual consciousness and the core energies of the universe is found is all our human stories. Whether you dismiss them as mere fairytales or science fiction, you cannot ignore their presence everywhere. Perhaps it is not so much a matter of developing or cultivating our abilities, as it is a matter of remembering them. A mere five hundred years ago, poverty, war, ignorance and disease swept through large populations on this planet and destroyed them. Human rights and social equality were unexplored concepts; the human lifespan was brutally short. Today, of course, we still suffer from wars and disease—it is far from a Golden Age yet. But still, there is a movement happening, a growing number of people who believe that they have a profound connection to the Universe on the whole. Consciousness is already shifting and expanding. The more we are willing explore and to accept the reality of our past as a species on this planet, the more bravely we can move forward into our future. We cannot do this blindly. We must pull the veil from our eyes and accept what we see.